Lord Mayor Robert Doyle promotes safer bike commuting
A major upgrade for the bike lane infrastructure on William Street is proposed under $300,000 plan by the Melbourne City Council. The upgrade consists of chevron separated bicycle lanes to the right of parked cars to operate at all times along the majority of William Street.
William Street provides a direct north-south route through Melbourne city and connects to popular commuting routes at La Trobe Street, Royale Parade and Peel Street in the city’s north and to the Yarra river at the south end of William Street.
The upgrade will reduce congestion, pollution and provide a safer route for cyclists with clear separation from car doors and moving traffic.
Lord Mayor Doyle explained that over the last five years there had been a fivefold increase in the number of cyclists using the city and there safety was paramount.
“If we don’t want to have our time spent at the coroner’s court explaining why another cyclist has been killed, we’ve got to actually provide for this explosion of bikes coming into the city,” he said.
William Street chevron-separated bike lanes
In the William Street bike lane upgrade plans car parking spaces occupy the left most position as normal, then a chevron separator, then a wider 1.5m bike lane, another .5m chevron separator then normal traffic and tram lanes as in the diagram below courtesy of the fact sheet.

Melbourne City wants to receive your thoughts and feedback on the proposed plan, your comments can be made in writing to [email protected]
City of Melbourne Cycling
William Street bicycle lane upgrade
William Street Bicycle Lane Plans